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acquired immunity 后天免疫(性)。


It has been demonstrated that complement activating and cr2 cross - linking on b lymphocytes set up a bridge between innate and acquired immunity . the interaction of c3 and cd21 on b lymphocytes will benefit initiating immune response and regulating primary antibody response . cd21 / cd35 is important in the process of antibody avidity maturing , this is critical to b lymphocyte activation especially in the state of low antigen concentration 現己證實補體的活化以及b細胞表面crz的交聯在先天和獲得性免疫之間架起了重要的橋梁,表現為c3與b細胞cdzi的相互作用有利于啟動抗體應答反應,并對初級抗體應答反應有調節作用: cdzi cd35對于抗體的親和性成熟具有重要作用,在抗原濃度低的情況下,對于活化b細胞是至關重要的,而且mlgm (交聯有利于特異的低親和性b細胞對t細胞依賴性抗原和t細胞非依賴性抗原產生免疫應答。

Dendritic cells are characterized by their ability to efficiently present antigen , and are uniquely equipped to stimulate naive t cell responses . immature dendritic cells acquire antigens from throughout the peripheral body , then migrate to t - lymphocyte - dependent areas of lymph nodes . thus , dendritic cells act as bridges , operating at the interface of innate and acquired immunity 作為機體免疫系統中功能最強的專職性抗原提呈細胞( antigen - presentingcells , apc ) ,樹突狀細胞( dendriticcells , dc )能高效地攝取、加工處理和提呈抗原,具有較強的遷移能力,并能顯著地激活初始型t細胞以啟動t細胞免疫應答反應,此外, dc與b細胞以及nk細胞等也存在著相互作用,可見, dc在連接天然免疫和獲得性免疫之間起著非常重要的作用。

In view of the common property of dendritic cells and complement , namely their ability to link innate and acquired immunity , and with no reports , to date , addressing the direct effects of complement on the biological functions of dendritic cells , we decided to study the interaction between the complement system and dendritic cells 本研究的完成有助于在免疫應答的調控機制方面獲得新的認識,并對補體和dc在連接天然免疫和獲得性免疫之間的作用及相互關系能有更全面的理解,為進一步從新的角度和思路深入研究dc在抗原特異性免疫應答與免疫耐受中的作用及其機制奠定基礎。

We hope that our study will provide us with more comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms of immune regulation and the roles that dc and complement play in innate and acquired immunity , as well as to lay a foundation for further exploration of the roles dc play in antigen - specific immune responses and immune tolerance from a new perspective . part i expression of complement receptors and complement - associated molecules on dendritic cells derived from distinct - origin at different stages of development two subsets of dendritic cells were generated from precursor cells isolated by means of magnetic cell separation system 曰補體受體及其相關分子在modc上的表達不同分化階段的單核細胞衍生性dc ( monocytes一deriveddc , modc )的誘導:將新鮮分離的單核細胞mo ,在含有gm一csf和工l一4培養體系中誘導5一7d ,即分化為未成熟modc ;對培養至sd的未成熟modc ,用tnfa刺激zd ,即分化為成熟modc ;此時再用lps刺激24h ,即為活化的modc 。

Can my baby acquire immunity if he she receives some doses of dtwp opv and some doses of dtap - ipv vaccines ? will there be any adverse effects from such a programme 以新舊兩種疫苗dtap - ipv及dtwp opv完成接種能否為幼兒帶來有效的保護此接種方法會否引起不良效果

Vaccination with dtwp opv can be continued with dtap - ipv and this transition is both safe and effective in acquiring immunity for your child 以新疫苗dtap - ipv代替原有疫苗dtwp opv不但安全,而且能為兒童提供有效的免疫保護。

Thus , the complement system act as a link between innate and acquired immunity 因此,補體是連接機體天然免疫和獲得性免疫( adaptiveimmunity )的“橋梁” 。

Then they seem to acquire immunity , ” he explains 然后,他們似乎就產生了免疫力。